
Showing posts from March, 2013

Motherless boys

             As I was taking a rest from my very tiring work one afternoon, two kids came to me and greeted me, "hi Teacher!"  I told them, "oh! I am taking a rest boys, why are you here?"  They both said, "we just dropped by Teacher to say hi!" "So what are you doing?" one boy asked?  "I am writing the grades on the report card."  I asked them, "so what about you both, did you pass for the next grade?"  One boy said. "only him," pointing the other boy, "but I didn't."  "Oh, I see, you were always absent in the class that is why.  May I ask why you were always absent?"  "Teacher, my aunt always tells me to be absent. Whenever I dress up for school, she would tell me to look after the internet cafe because no one will watch it. And if I will not watch it, I will not have fare."  "What a stupid reason that is for your aunt to say?" I s

Thank You Lord

I love you Lord Help me follow what you want me to do If I fail oh Lord kindly lift me up and show me the way Often I stumble And I feel you pulling me up and you pat me on my shoulders and tell me it's alright You never said Oh goodness what have you just done? Never have heard you say anything The more I felt that you never gave given me up Please don't ever leave me Lord Please always be by my side I need you more than you'll ever hear I want you to know that it is in you that I find the strength Help me Lord to see what is there that I should do For you to hear me out and listen to my heart Listen to my plea I have always sought your care But rarely did I give it back Can you show me how to return it? It is about time you need to feel That I love you as you wanted me to do Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord

Wonder If He Realizes

Wonder If He Realizes Juliet Fortich It was 1998 when our first-born came to this world. It was followed by the second on the 2001 Another came on 2003 And that makes it all 3 I was all alone to rear them With him coming just a month of every year to see his child has grown into a beautiful creature Who smiles and says "dad-dy" Children are not expected to be always well For they are not like machines Neither am I For so many years I stood strong for them For I knew they had only me to be by their side The time came that he had to say goodbye For some reasons so hard to comprehend He didn't fight for me  He was trying to have our kids from me But I found out he didn't care for them the way they should be The kids were refrained from talking to me whenever they were with him They were insulted and most of the time he and his family maligned me  to make the children hate me The time came that I had my kids back

I think of You

I think of You The moment you spared a moment  To find friends And found me Even added me to be one I felt really good At first I thought, well it is just for passing But when messages were sent and conversations began I still thought, "hey, it is just like the other time" And so I continued conversing playfully Thinking you might end you end uo saying goodbye. But I was amazed you stayed and I found sincerity in what you say. Rarely do we find people to trust Especially when they come from other places, religions and races But you said that you don't bother to think of such And so I gave it a try. I loved the way you read my eyes. Only few people could do that. If I am to fall again, I would like to give you a try


Alone (JFortich) Look at me as I stand still in these ugly branches No one stood with me But even when I am alone, I could hold the storm These branches? They may be thorned and ugly But I believe they are there for me to make me keep still Look at the leaf, it is all alone as well. A flower may differ from the leaf in features But it has the same situation at this time Thankful are they for the branches are there to keep them still... To all of the lovely flowers and wonderful leaves do thank all of the branches who keep you there.