
Showing posts from 2012



Jullienne Veronica's Dream

"I would like to be a great singer!" This is what Jullienne Veronica dreams to be. She started writing poetry when she was in her grade school. She became better when she was in high school. Thanks to the teachers for helping me develop what was already in her. She used to be a champion of the copy reading contest and oration in Science and talumpati in Filipino. As the eldest to her two siblings, she feels obliged to look after them while her mom who is a public school teacher works regularly at daytime and virtually from seven till after midnight. All her mom's efforts make her realize what real life on earth is. After winning second in the City Division-wide Oratorical Contest After her video shoot with her well-loved guitar. Unlike other teens who enjoys going out and do window shopping and all, she enjoys being with her family and write poetry, short stories, novels and songs then strums her guitar to create music. Aside from those mentione

English Language; Key to Global Access

ENGLISH LANGUAGE; KEY TO GLOBAL ACCESS Juliet Fortich Language, this is how people communicate. Without this we can never understand each other. Language though may come in different ways. It may be by touch, by mere actions, sound and most of all through the use of speech. Everyone may be able to communicate with each other using their own way. But nothing is much clearer than speaking.                 People all around the globe speak different languages. Some speak British, some Italian, others speak Arabic, Korean, Niponggo, Mandarin and some speak Chinese. But nothing can beat the international language which is English. Who understands the languages I mentioned aside from English? Do you?                 English so far stands out from the rest. Go to anywhere in the world and speak different language beside their own and see if people understand. Speak English and you will be understood.                 Is English Language difficult? Yes for some who refuse to lea

Poem: YOU

YOU by Juliet Fortich  When you came A spark got me struck. I wanted every moment Be so special and each passing second be great Who would have thought a whirlwind romance like this would happen It's not what you have that I liked Not what you can do that make me dwell on you Not what you will be that makes me want you But it is what you are that makes me love you But now you're gone Can't do anything else but cry For love to me was real And so I thought yours was as genuine as mine And it came to a point that your patience went dry That I failed to notice in a sigh You are an element I could call a reason for me to hold back pride I know there is hope in the love you promised me. And believe that there is always hope in everything I am forever wishing that there will be time for me seeing All these wishes come true with one person i could grow old with.... and that's YOU... @ julyet 2012


SORRY Juliet Fortich If I could bring back the time When you held me in your arms Whispering all the sweetest words and promises I would love to hit you with surprise Telling, “Hey it’s me” A long time ago We have watched each other grow Letting go of what we were and what we would be Seeking what was really ours to keep. Today, we let go Of something we really have thought so It is not easy as it seems But very fast as a beam Wondered why there should be sorrow For each one who seeks tomorrow Maybe it is not really what we wanted But it is what God planted Who else would reap what you’ve sown Will it be me or the bee? You have done something wrong Then accept what is given For in life, if we always measure lies Then everything will go to nothing Sorry for I can’t take your lies.


Respect Juliet Fortich Often we treasure our principles and our style We get to step on others till we make them cry. We sometimes do not see what is her reason why she has to fight For most of the time it is our opinion that we get to side. People sometimes forget their pride. They may have experienced being stepped on but swallowed it. They allow the other party’s opinion to manipulate what they fight for Without making them anymore understand what it is they ask. Respect! It is always what is lacking in every relationships like these. Sometimes, highly opinionated partners tend to be full of wisdom Yet they fail to understand the plight of the other one. Most of the time, it the pride of the other that is at stake But because of great love one has always to give in While the other remains with his opinion Minding not what the other feels. Will he be happy of whatever he has to feel of the ego he has  to let the world  he is a normal be


LUCKY Juliet Fortich They say I am so lucky For I am so happy I told them I am just thankful that I have given love The chance to make me stop hating love It is so nice to be in love I said And I would always encourage them to be Falling completely just like I did Huh! I was so tremendously in love With a man I thought was to be mine forever One day I realized that he ever became so clever Manipulating feelings of all women together It came to a point that one had to find out about the other And saw to it that he would face the consequence of either What a love, a love it was of a foolish heart and foolish mind Which came to just conquer and never loved the heart that was there forever What a foolish one he is for playing The heart that was there laying Surely it is not the time For him to be chimed By God the Almighty And make him see His mighty love for His children For whoever it is who don’t treasure His creation Will al

Poem: LOVE

Love Juliet Fortich Funny it seems that I used to be a remarkable lover of love. Love that I thought was the one which would make me happy. One that will fill all what I need.  When I was young, I used to see love as the greatest gift of all time. I always imagined how life would be without love. When I grew a little bigger, I experienced the pain that love gave. As I grew up and tried to settle Thinking that love would be greater When we were building dreams together Sharing laughter and tears So sad that it was almost often tears. I thought that it wouldn’t cease. That even the love that other people had I often seize. But indeed God wants that everyone experience How wonderful love may be. A love came unexpectedly Not knowing where and how it found me. I used to say, I don’t believe in a stupid thing But I am happy that today, I could say that Love is indeed a special gift That only God can show the way to have it. If I am to l

Poem: LOVE and GREED

Love and Greed Juliet Fortich I am alone And I always feel that way. I love to be with someone but I can never do. Most of the time, my heart feels the longing… It seeks for his time and his efforts so that emptiness will not go its way. But sometimes, it comes with greed. The longing keeps on prolonging until emptiness strikes. What kind of love is it? When it always sits Just like one is talking to an empty chair While waiting for the imaginary person to say what he needs. Love! It is always the reason of every happiness, sadness and even tears. We wish to love and be loved We wish to care and be cared for We wish to give and be given time for We seek love at all times That only the person we wished for be the person we have that from But sometimes we can’t have it For love sometimes is full of greed.                                                                              *January 16, 2012


ENGLISH LANGUAGE; KEY TO GLOBAL ACCESS English is one of the most important languages in the world. It can even be said to be the single most important language. Though other languages are important too, but not for the same reasons as English is. Why? Maybe because it is the only language that truly links the whole world together. If not for English, we may not be as united as it is today. Modern English is the most dominant and  required international language of communications, science, information technology, business, aviation, entertainment, radio and diplomacy. The growing economic and cultural influence of the United States and its status as a global superpower since World War II have significantly accelerated the language’s spread all across the planet. A working knowledge of English has become a requirement in a number of fields, occupations and professions such as medicine and computing; as a consequence over a billion people speak English to at least a basic l