Juliet Fortich

Often we treasure our principles and our style
We get to step on others till we make them cry.
We sometimes do not see what is her reason why she has to fight
For most of the time it is our opinion that we get to side.

People sometimes forget their pride.
They may have experienced being stepped on but swallowed it.
They allow the other party’s opinion to manipulate what they fight for
Without making them anymore understand what it is they ask.

Respect! It is always what is lacking in every relationships like these.
Sometimes, highly opinionated partners tend to be full of wisdom
Yet they fail to understand the plight of the other one.
Most of the time, it the pride of the other that is at stake
But because of great love one has always to give in
While the other remains with his opinion
Minding not what the other feels.

Will he be happy of whatever he has to feel of the ego he has
 to let the world  he is a normal being?
Will he be happy to know that the woman sheds tears
For every pain that it gives everytime she sees respect being out of the way?

Truly Love is a many splendored thing
That even belittling one makes it acceptable
Wondered why it is called admirable when it has always been a word for scrabble.

*January 16, 2012


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